Tuesday 15 November 2011

You'll never guess: Where I do my business.....

I have been tagged by ReluctHousedad for this 'Through The Keyhole' style meme, originally from TheBoyandMe, and which simply asks bloggers 'where are you when you write your incredible/amazing/inspirational/entertaining (*delete as appropriate) words?'.

Having deleted all of the above categories, and left just the /'s, I will now reveal my magical place of work, where my Family Food blog happens, as does our photography editing.

Yes, it's the bedroom. And controversially, I don't have a chair. All photo editing, emailing, blogging is done in this spot right here. Chairless (but fully clothed, most of the time).

Why no chair? The cupboard is too high- yes you can see correctly, my workspace is the main bedroom, the computer lives on a chest of drawers, and the loo is just to the left. I should say en-suite but they don't talk like that in Birmingham.

The computer screen is rather large, yes, and it is not showboating, I promise- I need it like this to edit photographs. It's a bugger taking out blemishes from a teeny screen.  The pink netting hanging to the left is from a fancy-dress fairy costume belonging to my 4-yr old daughter. The toy box to the left of that is to hide the mess of the thousand plugs and wires.

I have contemplated having an office- but that would mean losing the spare room/ a child's bedroom/ the playroom. And my Other Half has capitalised the study downstairs (quite rightly, our main source of income happens there).

There is a nice view out of the window (if I crane my head around to the right at the window) stretching out six miles to The Quantock Hills. There are often cows in the field, and a beautiful mist hangs over the fields at dawn. The view of the sunset is spectacular. Unfortunately the bulk of my work is done in the evening, and with it being winter I can't actually see this most of the time :(

Now time to pass on the baton- I would love to know where the following posters work from:





Sunday 13 November 2011

10 Questions

I have been tagged by fabulous Alyson at Alysonsblog and asked to answer 10 Questions to reveal my innermost demons and darkness *cackles*- or alternatively, to reveal a little bit more about the Me behind the Family Food blog.

The rules for bloggers are as follows:

1) Answer the 10 questions
2) Tag someone to do the same
3) Go and leave a comment on the original blog post over at
Super Amazing Mum and comment that you have done so in order for us to find out who has been tagged and therefore find out more about our fellow bloggers!

So, here goes, people!

1. Describe yourself in seven words
Creative, Cynical, Worrier, Outwardly Outgoing, Clumsy, 31

2. What keeps you awake at night?
First getting off to sleep is a doddle these days, but staying asleep is a different matter! My bladder mainly wakes me up, or being too cold, or the children having a bad dream, or a whole host of things really. The 4am slot is the worst- probably should get up but I force the worries to the forefront, sweat them out a bit and nod back off. Probably just in time for the alarm to go off!

3. If you could be anyone for day, who would you be and why?
My Other Half to see what living with me is like and to have the chance really figure out what traits I ought to work on (and obviously expect the day to be a breeze......um...).

4. What are you wearing now?
Leggings, flowery top, chunky cardi, butterfly hair clip. Have I sexed you up?

5. What scares you?
When things are going well, I get scared, as it always preceeds a disaster. I feel as thought it's always lightest before the Dusk. Silly really. What scares me most is something awful happening to people I care about.

6. What is the best and the worst thing about blogging?
Doing the food blog is really relaxing, a great way to unwind, and I love sharing recipes with others- and getting to read and try lots of new recipes from other bloggers each week.
The worst thing is the fact it takes me away from editing photos and work in the evening. A worse thing than that is I don't get to blog as much as I want to, and most certainly do not get the chance to read as many blogs as I would like to.

7. What was the last website you looked at?
Our Photobox Pro Gallery to see if we had any sales this weekend from our photography business.

8. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
The Anxiety. I could happily live without it. On the other hand it drives who I am , makes me efficient, care too much about others' feelings and the things that I say, and is often a call to action -so who would I be without it?

9. Slankets – Yes or no?
It's a no from me. Sorry. I just go to bed if I'm cold.

10. Tell us something about the person who tagged you?
I have known Alyson since 2008, and she has been a big inspiration to me. She has a heart of gold.

Now, to pass on the baton, I tag

